Telmo Rodriguez Gaba do Xi O Barreirol Godello DO

€13.45 *

Content: 0.75 litre (€17.93* / 1 litre)
Product number: 1826550

Available, delivery time 3–5 working days

from 1 bottle


€17.93* / 1 litre
from 6 bottles


€17.53* / 1 litre
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This white wine produced by Telmo Rodriguez is redolent of white blossoms, dried light fruit, spices, almonds and honey. The Telmo Rodriguez Gaba do Xil Godello DO is fresh and accessible on the palate, with a fine minerality and subtly noticeable tannins. The Godello grape variety, Galicia’s autochthonous grape variety, gives this wine its special characteristics. The wine owes its name to the Sil river that crosses the region and was known as Xil in ancient times. Enjoy this white wine from Spain with dishes with white meat. If you wish to enjoy the Godello soon, we recommend decanting the wine shortly before drinking it.

Wine type:
White wine
Ageing Potential:
Vineyard/Brand :
Grape variety:
100% Godello
Alcohol content:
13,5  % by volume
Recommended drinking temperature:
8-10 °C
Filling quantity:
0,75 litres
contains Sulfite
Compañia de Vinos Telmo Rodriguez S.L.
El Monte s/n
01308 Lanciego (Álava)

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