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Gift certificate: Value 100 Euro

Are you looking for the perfect gift for a birthday, Christmas, eastern or another occasion and you haven't found anything jet?

Give a Vineshop24 Gift certificate!

Order and pay the certificate like other products in the online shop. We send the certificate on behalf of you by post or email, and add a personal note if you like.

The certificate can be used for every product in our online shop. At the end of the checkout process the certificate-code can be entered and will be deducted of value of goods.

Please note that only 1 gift certificate can be used per order. The certificate can not be exchanged for money and a remaining amount will not be paid out.


Product recommendation

100 Marcati Grappa di Amarone Riserva Centenario
Ein Geburtstagsgrappa wie er im Buche steht! Zum hundertjährigen Jubiläum hat die Destillerie Marcati einen ganz besonderen Grappa aufgelegt. Bereits 1919 startete die Familie Marcati mit der Produktion von Likören und Spirituosen, um heute in der 3. und 4. Generation weltweit ihre Produkte zu vertreiben. Limitiert und edel verpackt wurde dieser Grappa aus dem Trester der Rebsorten Corvina und Rondinella gebrannt. Diese Rebsorten werden für die Produktion von Amarone Weinen verwendet und geben dem Grappa somit seinen Namen. Bernsteinfarbig und mild im Geschmack duftet der 100 Marcati Grappa di Amarone Riserva Centenario wunderbar aromatisch. Die Reifung erfolgte für 18 Monate in kleinen Eichenfässern. Nicht nur für Hundertjährige geeignet, lässt sich mit diesem ausgewöhnlichen Grappa Eindruck bei jeder Gelegenheit erzielen.

Content: 0.7 litre (€102.86* / 1 litre)

Vacu Vin Champagnerkühler Elegant, Edelstahl
Das modische Design von diesem Elegant Cooler aus Edelstahl sorgt für ein attraktives Aussehen. Der Cooler kühlt den Champagner- ohne Eis - sofort auf Trinktemperatur herunter!Der Elegant Cooler enthält ein wieder verwendbares Rapid Ice Kühlelement, das eine Flasche innerhalb von 5 Minuten kühlt und danach noch einige Stunden kühl hält.Mit dem Elegant Cooler hat man keinen Ärger mit Eis, Wasser oder nassen Etiketten, die sich von der Flasche lösen.- Aktivkühler, ohne Eis- Kühlt innerhalb von 5 Minuten- Aufbewahrung im Gefrierfach- Kein überfüllter Kühlschrank


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Gift certificate: Value 50 Euro
Are you looking for the perfect gift for a birthday, Christmas, eastern or another occasion and you haven't found anything jet?Give a Vineshop24 Gift certificate!Order and pay the certificate like other products in the online shop. We send the certificate on behalf of you by post or email, and add a personal note if you like.The certificate can be used for every product in our online shop. At the end of the checkout process the certificate-code can be entered and will be deducted of the value of goods.Please note that only 1 gift certificate can be used per order. The certificate can not be exchanged for money and a remaining amount will not be paid out.

Gift certificate: Value 10 Euro
Are you looking for the perfect gift for a birthday, Christmas, eastern or another occasion and you haven't found anything jet?Give a Vineshop24 Gift certificate!Order and pay the certificate like other products in the online shop. We send the certificate on behalf of you by post or email, and add a personal note if you like.The certificate can be used for every product in our online shop. At the end of the checkout process the certificate-code can be entered and will be deducted of the value of goods.Please note that only 1 gift certificate can be used per order. The certificate can not be exchanged for money and a remaining amount will not be paid out.

Gift certificate: Value 35 Euro
Are you looking for the perfect gift for a birthday, Christmas, eastern or another occasion and you haven't found anything jet?Give a Vineshop24 Gift certificate!Order and pay the certificate like other products in the online shop. We send the certificate on behalf of you by post or email, and add a personal note if you like.The certificate can be used for every product in our online shop. At the end of the checkout process the certificate-code can be entered and will be deducted of the value of goods.Please note that only 1 gift certificate can be used per order. The certificate can not be exchanged for money and a remaining amount will not be paid out.

Gift certificate: Value 25 Euro
Are you looking for the perfect gift for a birthday, Christmas, eastern or another occasion and you haven't found anything jet?Give a Vineshop24 Gift certificate!Order and pay the certificate like other products in the online shop. We send the certificate on behalf of you by post or email, and add a personal note if you like.The certificate can be used for every product in our online shop. At the end of the checkout process the certificate-code can be entered and will be deducted of the value of goods.Please note that only 1 gift certificate can be used per order. The certificate can not be exchanged for money and a remaining amount will not be paid out.

Marzadro Grappa Stravecchia Le Diciotto Lune
The Marzadro Grappa Stravecchia Le Diciotto Lune is produced by distilling five Trentino pomaces such as Marzemino, Teroldego, Merlot, Moscato and Chardonnay. As a special feature, this exceptional grappa matured for 18 months in small barrels made of cherry wood, ash, oak and robinia, giving this grappa its typical intense and ethereal fragrance with fine vanilla aromas, deep colour and full flavour. The Marzadro Grappa Stravecchia Le Diciotto Lune is round and silky on the palate. The name “Le Diciotto Lune” (18 moons) means that the grappa aged for 18 months in wooden casks. It has repeatedly received prestigious awards bestowed by international critics. Here, wood and grappa develop in perfect harmony.

Content: 0.5 litre (€59.90* / 1 litre)

1er Holzkassette mit Scharnier natur ohne Inhalt
Die qualitativ hochwertige, von Hand gefertigte, Holzkiste hat einen Deckel mit Scharnier. Sie eignet sich perfekt zum Verschenken von einer 0,75l-Flasche Wein. Aussenmaß: 380 x 122 x 110 mm (LxBxH)Innenmaß: 360 x 105 x 105 mm (LxBxH)
