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3 Aglianico aus Italien

Try three different Aglianico from Italy and get a discount.

Pipoli Aglianico del Vulture DOC, (0,75 l, 13,5%ABv), Art-Nr. 1505171
Full-bodied, tangy, with sweet tannins.

Piano del Cerro Aglianico, (0,75 l, 13,5%ABv), Art-Nr. 1505172
complex and spicy with aromas of red fruit.

Epicuro Aglianico Puglia IGP, (0,75 l, 13,0%ABv), Art-Nr. 1528456
Light spicy with good structure.

Delivery of one package per order

Grape variety:
Filling quantity:
2,25 litres
contains Sulfite
Vigneti del Vulture Srl, Contrada Pipoli, 85011 Acerenza, Italien
Femar Vini, Via Fontana Candida, 3C
00040 Monteporzio Catone (Roma), Italien
Vigneti del Vulture Srl, Contrada Pipoli, 85011 Acerenza, Italien

Product recommendation

3er Geschenkkarton Lino Dunkelblau
Schlicht und trotzdem elegant. Die matte Leinenoptik verleiht dem Präsentkarton Lino Dunkelblau ein attraktives Äußeres.Einlage: Leinenoptik, dunkelblauInnenseite: Dunkelblau Innenmaß (LxBxH): 360 x 90 x 250 mm Auch als 1er und 2er-Karton erhältlich.Dieser Präsentkarton ist nur für Standard-Weinflaschen (0,75l) geeignet und nicht für doppelwandige Weinflaschen, Magnumflaschen und Schaumweinflaschen zu empfehlen.

3 Primitivio Italy
Get to know three full-bodied and strong Primitivo wines from Puglia and gain a profit from our discount.Cantine Menhir Primitivo Quota 29 (0,75 l, 14,0%ABv), Art-Nr. 1522015 Cantine Menhir Salento, ItalienThe red wine unfolds a fruity fresh bouquet of ripe cherries, plums and dark chocolate in the glass.Z1N Il Numero Uno Zinfandel (0,75 l, 14,5%ABv) Art-Nr. 1504158Masca del Tacco, ItalyExceptionally complex bouquet showing notes of blackberries, plums, spices, chocolate and oak.Farnese Fantini Primitivo Puglia (0,75 l, 13,5%ABv) Art-Nr. 1591210Farnese Vini, ItalyFull-bodied, soft and well-balanced, easy to drinkDelivery of one package per order only.

Content: 2.25 litre (€11.07* / 1 litre)

Zolla Primitivo di Manduria DOP Magnum
This Primitivo di Manduria DOP Magnum in a gift box is of ruby-red colour with violet tints. It is intense and complex on the nose, with fruity aromas and notes of small red fruit such as cherries and blackberries. This wine has a velvety texture. On the palate, it is soft, warm and rich in tannins with a long finish.

Content: 1.5 litre (€13.97* / 1 litre)

Cantine Cellaro Luma Nero d'Avola Sicilia
The Luma from the Sicilian winery Cantine Cellaro, located in Sambuca di Sicilia, has a deep red color. Intensive notes of ripe red fruits and a fine flavor dominate the bouquet and unfold wonderfully on the palate.The 100% Nero d'Avola is accessible and made just for younger wine connoisseurs with some experience. The wine was aged for at least six months in French and American oak.Enjoy this full-bodied wine from Sambuca di Sicilia with red meat and game dishes.

Content: 0.75 litre (€10.33* / 1 litre)

From €7.75*
6 Reds from the New World
Probieren Sie sechs verschiedene Rotweine aus der Neuen Welt (aus Übersee) und sparen Sie gegenüber dem Einzelkauf.Saint Clair Pinot Noir, trocken (0,75 l, 13,5% vol.) Art-Nr. 1769936Marlborough, NeuseelandAusgeprägtes Fruchtaroma, weicher und voller Geschmack.Chocolate Pinotage by Windmeul, trocken (0,75% l, 14,0% vol.) Art-Nr. 1973066Windmeul, SüdafrikaEin außergewöhnliches Geschmackserlebnis mit unterschwellige Noten von Zartbitterschokolade und Kaffee.Barramundi Shiraz/Petit Verdot, trocken (0,75 l, 13,5% vol.) Art-NR. 1130135 Qualia Wines, AustralienDieser Blend aus Australien duftet herrlich nach dunklen Waldfrüchten, Schwarzkirschen, Nelken und Veilchen.Scheid Family Wines District 7 Cabernet Sauvignon, trocken (0,75 l, 13,5% vol.), Art-Nr. 1200492 Scheid Family, Vereinigte StaatenDer reinsortige Cabernet Sauvignon duftet herrlich vielschichtig nach Brombeeren, schwarzen Kirschen, Himbeeren und Johannisbeeren.Trapiche Broquel Malbec, trocken, (0,75l, 14,0% vol.), Art-Nr. 1036166Trapiche Argentina, ArgentinienEin Malbec aus den Höhenlagen Mendozas verführt mit intensiven Aromen von Kirschen, Brombeeren und feinen Gewürznoten, einer seidigen Textur und einem langen, fruchtigen Abgang.MontGras Quatro, trocken (0,75 l, 14,0% vol.), Art-Nr. 1370046 Montgras, ChileIn der Nase ein bemerkenswertes Zusammenspiel von reifen Früchten, Gewürzen und blumigen Noten.Abgabe von einem Weinpaket pro Bestellung.

Content: 4.5 litre (€14.44* / 1 litre)


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3 Primitivio Italy
Get to know three full-bodied and strong Primitivo wines from Puglia and gain a profit from our discount.Cantine Menhir Primitivo Quota 29 (0,75 l, 14,0%ABv), Art-Nr. 1522015 Cantine Menhir Salento, ItalienThe red wine unfolds a fruity fresh bouquet of ripe cherries, plums and dark chocolate in the glass.Z1N Il Numero Uno Zinfandel (0,75 l, 14,5%ABv) Art-Nr. 1504158Masca del Tacco, ItalyExceptionally complex bouquet showing notes of blackberries, plums, spices, chocolate and oak.Farnese Fantini Primitivo Puglia (0,75 l, 13,5%ABv) Art-Nr. 1591210Farnese Vini, ItalyFull-bodied, soft and well-balanced, easy to drinkDelivery of one package per order only.

Content: 2.25 litre (€11.07* / 1 litre)

3 Reserva aus Spanien
Try three different Reserva from the Spain and get the discount.Bodegas LAN Reserva (0,75 l, 13,5%ABv), Art-Nr. 1806543A wine with much complexity, intense, well-structured finish.Bodegas Olarra Cerro Anon Reserva Rioja DOCa (0,75 l, 14,0%ABv), Art-Nr. 1854893 The taste reminds of chocolate, caramel and dried fruits.Coto de Imaz Reserva (0,75 l, 13,5%ABv), Art-Nr. 1809206Delicately balanced with noticeable, but incredibly soft and mild tannins.Delivery of one package per order.

Content: 2.25 litre (€14.62* / 1 litre)

Piano del Cerro Aglianico del Vulture DOC
The Piano del Cerro derived from old Aglianico grapes from the vineyards around Acerenza. This Aglianico grapes also known as Barolo of the South. On the nose, complex and spicy with aromas of red fruit and black cherry and ripe plum. On the palate, flavors of cassis, black cherry, tobacco, cedar and a hint of balsamic.

Content: 0.75 litre (€20.73* / 1 litre)

From €15.55*
6er Probierpaket Einstiegsbordeaux
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Content: 4.5 litre (€10.89* / 1 litre)

Pipoli Aglianico del Vulture DOC
Deep dark red color with garnet reflections.Intense notes of ripe cherries, vanilla, tobacco and spices.Full bodied, spicy, with sweet tannins and aromas of spices, cocoa and tobacco. Balanced structure and harmonious finish.Vulture II is the name of a volcano, through which in prehistoric times, lava emerged, which is rich in minerals, and gives the Aglianico vines excellent conditions.

Content: 0.75 litre (€8.60* / 1 litre)

From €6.45*