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San Marzano Talò Primitivo di Manduria DOP

Beim San Marzano Talo Primitivo di Manduria DOP handelt es sich um einen Rotwein aus der italienischen Region Apulien, dem sogenannten Stiefelabsatz. Eine Region mit sehr hoher Sonneneinstrahlung und Tagestemperaturen, die den Weinen unvergleichliche Tiefe und Eleganz verleihen. Die Trauben für den Talo Primitivo von San Marzano stammen aus dem geschützten Gebiet rund um das Dorf Manduria, eine ganz besondere Lage in Apulien. Die rubinrote Farbe des Talo Primitivo kündigt die Konzentration und Intensität dieses Weins an. Die sorgfältige Handlese und die traditionelle Vinifikation schaffen einen Wein mit Aromen von reifen Kirschen, Pflaumen und einem Hauch von Kakao- und Vanillenoten. Der Wein reift für 6 Monate in französischen und amerikanischen Eichenfässern, was dem Talo Primitivo eine elegante Struktur und seidige Tannine verleiht. Am Gaumen ist der Wein herrlich mild und samtig weich. Das Finale schließt mit langen süßen Noten ab.

Genießen Sie die reichen und komplexen Geschmacksnuancen dieses San Marzano Talo Primitivo zu würzigen Wildgerichten, Lammfleisch oder kräftigem Käse. Die robusten Aromen und die geschmeidige Textur machen ihn zu einem idealen Begleiter für genussvolle Mahlzeiten.

Wine type:
Red wine
Ageing Potential:
Vineyard/Brand :
Grape variety:
Alcohol content:
14,0  % by volume
Recommended drinking temperature:
16-18 °C
Filling quantity:
0,75 litres
contains Sulfite
Caloric value per 100 ml:
362 kJ / 86 kcal
Cantine San Marzano
Via Regina Margherita 149
74020 San Marzano di San Giuseppe (TA)
Cantine San Marzano

Das Weinanbaugebiet Salento, in dem die Kooperative San Marzano beheimatet ist, zählt zu den ältesten Weinbauregionen der Welt. Schon vor mehr als 3000 Jahren pflanzten Phönizier und Griechen hier ihre Rebstöcke. Es liegt im südlichen Teil Apuliens in Italien. Geprägt ist die Landschaft von Hochebenen und Flachland. Ein trocken-heißes Klima mit geringen Niederschlägen formt hier kräftige und charakterstarke Weine. Die Rebsorten Primitivo und Negroamaro sind die Aushängeschilder der Region. Auf dem Land zwischen dem Adriatischen und dem Ionischen Meer reifen aber auch andere wunderbare Weine heran, die wesentlich zum Aufstieg des süditalienischen Weinbaus beigetragen haben.

San Marzano hat seit vielen Jahren einen guten Ruf als Produzent hervorragender Weine. 1962 schlossen sich 19 Winzer zusammen und gründeten die Kooperative. In den folgenden Jahren ging es steil bergauf. Eine gute Zusammenarbeit mit Farnese Vini endete im Jahr 2013 mit dem Wunsch, neue Wege zu gehen. Kennern der Weinszene ist die damalige Kooperative auch unter dem Namen Feudi di San Marzano bekannt.

Der Zusammenschluss beschäftigt heute rund 1500 Winzer, die mehr als 1200 Hektar Weinberge bewirtschaften. Die neuen Ideen des Teams um Direktor Mauro di Maggio, Kellermeister Mario Ercolino und Koordinator Salvatore Ricchiardi sind vielversprechend. Verarbeitet werden bei Cantine San Marzano hauptsächlich Fiano oder Verdeca als weiße Sorten, Malvasia Nera, Primitivo und Negroamaro als rote Sorten. Die Böden sind sehr nährstoffarm, oft Kalksteinfelsen mit geringer Humusauflage. Das führt zu einer natürlichen Ertragsreduzierung. Durch das heiße, trockene Klima gibt es kaum Insekten- oder Pilzbefall und somit keinen Einsatz von chemischen Mitteln. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die mehr als 60 Jahre alten Primitivo-Rebstöcke, die sehr ertragsschwach sind und die Trauben für den Primitivo „Sessantanni“ liefern.

Product recommendation

Feudi Di San Marzano Gran Trio Rosso di Salento
At the heel of the boot of Italy is this sun drenched wine made from local Primitivo, Malvasia, Nera and Negroamaro grapes.Although there is no lack of sunshine and warmth are the vineyards on the coast so that they benefit from a cooling breeze. Thick, purple color, with plenty of flavour.The beautiful fragrance starts with plum, cocoa and candied berries, we taste a passionate and peppery wine with berries, figs and chocolates, and still a nice freshness.Delicious with steak and lamb with garlic and rosemary.

Content: 0.75 litre (€8.93* / 1 litre)

From €6.70*
San Marzano "Lamadoro" Primitivo IGT
The vineyards for the Lamadoro Primitivo is about 100 meters above sea level, with higher than average temperatures and little rainfall. The soil is predominantly clay with an average depth of about one meter.The terroir and the skills of the winemakers give the wine a deep ruby red color and an intense fruity aroma with notes of cherries, plums and a hint of vanilla. This is a wine with a full body, soft and easy to drink.

Content: 0.75 litre (€7.93* / 1 litre)

From €5.95*
San Marzano "Sud" Primitivo di Manduria
San Marzano Sud Primitivo di Manduria. At almost 100 meters above the sea level, with a high average temperature and very few rainfall during the year. The soils are mainly composed by clay, with an average depth which reaches up to 1 meter Harvest period: Second decade of August Vinification: Thermo-controlled maceration, followed by draining and soft pressing at the end of the alcoholic fermentation Maturation: In French oak barrels for 4 months Tasting notes: Ruby red colour, enriched with violet reflections, generous perfum, which recalls ripe cherries and plums, with pleasant note of cocoa and vanilla. This wine has a velvety texture, softened by the warmth of the Primitivo, and ends with notes of persistent sweetness. Best served with: Savoury first courses, lamb and game with rich sauces, hard cheese

Content: 0.75 litre (€12.87* / 1 litre)

From €9.65*
San Marzano 62 Anniversario Primitivo di Manduria
The Italian wine expert Luca Maroni awards this wine 98 points (Luca Maroni Award 2017) and assesses it as the ‘Best Italian red wine’.This 100-percent Primitivo comes from Bush Vines on the peninsula of Salento in southern Apulia. Here the grapes ripen for an excellent Italian wine. The "Anniversario 62" Primitivo di Manduria has a deep ruby color. On the nose complex, with aromas of plum and cherry jam, tobacco and spicy nuances. On the palate full-bodied, with velvety, ripe tannins and notes of cocoa, coffee and vanilla. The wine matured for twelve months in French and American oak barrels. Enjoy this top Italian wine from very old vineyards in San Marzano and Sava with red meats, game dishes or simply solo.

Content: 0.75 litre (€25.20* / 1 litre)

From €18.90*
San Marzano Sessantanni Primitivo di Manduria DOP
Production area: Selected vineyards of Neviera and Casa Rossa, located in San Marzano district. The soil is mainly “terra rossa”, with a fine texture and generally a calcareous undergound with a few emerging rocks. The well-known redness of these soils is due to the presence of iron oxides. The climate is characterised by high temperatures all year round, very few rainfalls and a wide difference of temperature between night and day, which has a nice influence on the quality of grapes. This is the “classical” central area of d.o.c. ”Primitivo di Manduria” Harvest period: Third decade of August, first decade of September Vinification: Hand-harvested in small baskets. Maceration: 18 days with selected autochtonous yeasts. Thermo-controlled alcoholic fermentation at 24-26 °C Maturation: In French oak barrels for 6 months Tasting notes: Intense ruby red colour, wide and complex to the nose, fruity, with prunes, cherry jam aroma, with notes of tobacco, slightly spicy. Full-bodied wine, soft and rich in fine tannins, with notes of cocoa, coffee and vanilla in the end. Best served with: Red meat, game, savoury first courses. Meditation wine

Content: 0.75 litre (€25.27* / 1 litre)

Vigneti del Salento Zolla Primitivo di Manduria DOP Riserva
Das lange warten hat ein Ende. Nun gibt es auch vom Zolla Primitivo di Manduria einen Riserva. Der Erfolg des Zolla spricht für sich. Das der große Bruder nun endlich marktreif ist wird viele Weinkenner freuen. Die Trauben für diesen Riserva wurden teils überreift geerntet. Das gibt dem trockenen Rotwein eine kraftvolle und intensive Grundstruktur. Die Reifung erfolgte für je 12 Monate in gebrauchten amerikanischen und französischen Fässern und in Zementbehältern. Diese ausgewöhnliche Kombination macht auch den Wein aus Apulien zu einem außergewöhnlichen Geschmackserlebnis.Der Zolla Riserva Primitivo di Manduria leuchtet rubinrot mit leicht violetten Reflexen im Glas. Der italienische Wein duftet herrlich nach Brombeere und schwarzer Johannisbeere. Nach einigen Minuten an der Luft kommen Gewürznoten, Kaffee, Vanille und Karamell hinzu. Am Gaumen präsentiert sich der Zolla Riserva üppig und voluminös. Die schön geschliffenen Tannine geben Struktur und Komplexität. Der Abgang ist lang und schmelzig.Der Zolla Riserva Primitivo di Manduria passt zu vielen Gelegenheit. Ob solo beim Filmabend zuhause oder als Essensbegleiter zu rustikalen Vorspeisen, Lammgerichten oder kräftigem Käse.

Content: 0.75 litre (€19.33* / 1 litre)

From €14.50*
Felline Giravolta Primitivo di Manduria DOP
The Felline Giravolta Primitivo di Manduria is an almost opaque ruby-red in the glass. Its bouquet is characterised by aromas of overripe fruit, bringing wonderful notes of cherry jam to both the nose and the palate. In addition, the wine offers hints of eucalyptus and a fine spice. On the palate, the Felline Giravolta Primitivo di Manduria is very harmonious and soft, showing notes of chocolate, coffee and caramel, with minimal tannin and a discreet acidity. The finish is characterised by a subtle sweetness. The red wine matured for 9 months in French oak casks, giving the Giravolta special power and fullness.Try the Giravolta Primitivo di Manduria with game or blue cheese.

Content: 0.75 litre (€17.27* / 1 litre)

From €12.95*

Cutsomers also bought

San Marzano Sessantanni Primitivo di Manduria DOP
Production area: Selected vineyards of Neviera and Casa Rossa, located in San Marzano district. The soil is mainly “terra rossa”, with a fine texture and generally a calcareous undergound with a few emerging rocks. The well-known redness of these soils is due to the presence of iron oxides. The climate is characterised by high temperatures all year round, very few rainfalls and a wide difference of temperature between night and day, which has a nice influence on the quality of grapes. This is the “classical” central area of d.o.c. ”Primitivo di Manduria” Harvest period: Third decade of August, first decade of September Vinification: Hand-harvested in small baskets. Maceration: 18 days with selected autochtonous yeasts. Thermo-controlled alcoholic fermentation at 24-26 °C Maturation: In French oak barrels for 6 months Tasting notes: Intense ruby red colour, wide and complex to the nose, fruity, with prunes, cherry jam aroma, with notes of tobacco, slightly spicy. Full-bodied wine, soft and rich in fine tannins, with notes of cocoa, coffee and vanilla in the end. Best served with: Red meat, game, savoury first courses. Meditation wine

Content: 0.75 litre (€25.27* / 1 litre)

Masseria La Volpe Uno Primitivo di Manduria DOC
This Primitivo di Manduria deserves its ‘excellent’ rating! This Italian wine is an intense ruby red in the glass, offering strong aromas of plums, cherries and elderberry on the nose. On the palate, the Uno Primitivo di Manduria is very juicy and full-bodied. Velvety tannins and a well-integrated acidity make this red wine from Apulia supple and round. The finish is characterised by lovely notes of spices.The Uno Primitivo di Manduria is wonderfully pleasing and goes beautifully with rich meat dishes, hearty stews or tangy cheeses.

Content: 0.75 litre (€18.00* / 1 litre)

Zolla Primitivo di Manduria DOP Vigneti del Salento
This Primitivo di Manduria has a ruby red color with shades of violet. In the nose intense, complex, fruity aromas come forward with hints of small red fruits such as cherries and blackberries.This wine has a velvet texture and is soft and warm and rich in tannins, and has a long finish.

Content: 0.75 litre (€12.87* / 1 litre)

From €9.65*
Masca del Tacco Lu Rappaio Primitivo di Manduria
The Primitivo di Manduria is a shimmering ruby-red in the glass. This pure varietal Primitivo offers strong fruit and pampers your senses primarily with fragrances of red ripe berries. In addition, aromas of jam characterize its bouquet, wonderfully complemented by nuances of cinnamon. On the palate, the Masca del Tacco Lu Rappaio Primitivo di Manduria is multi-faceted, with an elegant structure and a prolonged finish. This red wine from Apulia matured for 10 to 15 months in oak casks. It is an ideal accompaniment to dark and white meat prepared on the grill or in the oven. It can also be enjoyed with pasta with spicy sauces and tangy cheeses.

Content: 0.75 litre (€14.00* / 1 litre)

From €10.50*
Camivini Tank No 32 Primitivo Appassimento IGT
Der Camivini Tank 32 Primitivo Appassimento IGT aus Süd-Ost-Apulien ist ein kraftvoller, körperreicher Wein mit sanften Tanninen. In der Nase bietet er Aromen von Süßkirschen, Rosinen, mediterranen Pinien und getrockneten Früchten wie Datteln und Feigen. Am Gaumen ist der Primitivo samtig weich mit einer angenehmen Restsüße.

Content: 0.75 litre (€11.13* / 1 litre)

From €8.35*
Felline Giravolta Primitivo di Manduria DOP
The Felline Giravolta Primitivo di Manduria is an almost opaque ruby-red in the glass. Its bouquet is characterised by aromas of overripe fruit, bringing wonderful notes of cherry jam to both the nose and the palate. In addition, the wine offers hints of eucalyptus and a fine spice. On the palate, the Felline Giravolta Primitivo di Manduria is very harmonious and soft, showing notes of chocolate, coffee and caramel, with minimal tannin and a discreet acidity. The finish is characterised by a subtle sweetness. The red wine matured for 9 months in French oak casks, giving the Giravolta special power and fullness.Try the Giravolta Primitivo di Manduria with game or blue cheese.

Content: 0.75 litre (€17.27* / 1 litre)

From €12.95*