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Zolla Primitivo di Manduria DOP Vigneti del Salento

This Primitivo di Manduria has a ruby red color with shades of violet. In the nose intense, complex, fruity aromas come forward with hints of small red fruits such as cherries and blackberries.

This wine has a velvet texture and is soft and warm and rich in tannins, and has a long finish.

Wine type:
Red wine
Ageing Potential:
Vineyard/Brand :
Grape variety:
Alcohol content:
14,5  % by volume
Total acidity:
6,0 g/l
Residual sugar:
8,8 g/l
Recommended drinking temperature:
18 °C
Filling quantity:
0,75 litres
contains Sulfite
Caloric value per 100 ml:
366 kJ / 87 kcal
Vigneto del Salento
Farnese Vini Srl
Via dei Bastioni
Ortona CH
Vigneti del Salento

Die Heimat der kräftigen Weine von Vigneti del Salento ist das sonnige Apulien. Seinen Namen hat das Weingut von der 100 Kilometer langen Halbinsel, die gut bekannt ist als „Absatz des Stiefels“ von Italien.

Bei Vigneti del Satento herrschen außergewöhnlich gute klimatische Bedingungen für den Anbau der einheimischen roten Rebsorten Primitivo, Negroamaro und Malvasia Nera und der Verdeca für die Weißweine. Salento ist bekannt als hervorragende Adresse des Primitivo.

Vigneti del Salento ist Bestandteil der Farnese Vini Group, die ihnen mit Know-How in Kellerei und Vermarktung zur Seite stehen.

Die Trauben für den Primitivo di Manduria stammen, wie auf dem Etikett ersichtlich, von Weinbergen mit 70 Jahre alten Reben. Es werden sehr geringe Mengen mit unglaublicher Aromenkonzentration produziert, die die Grundlage für die besonderen Weine sind.

Bei Salento haben zwei Experten im Winzerbereich das Sagen: Filippo Baccalaro und Teo D'Apolito. Nach vielen Jahren der Forschung gelang es ihnen, die besten und ältesten Weinbergen im Manduria und Sava Bereich zu finden und dem Primitivo zu großer Anerkennung weltweit zu verhelfen.

Product recommendation

San Marzano "F" Negroamaro Salento IGT
I.G.T Indicazione Geografica TipicaVery deep purple red, wide and complex to the nose, with notes of spices, soft fruit, and cherry jam.Full-bodied wine, soft and balanced, rich in fine tannins, with a pleasantly long ending.Maturation in French and Caucasian oak barrels for 8 months.Best served with savory first courses, red meat, game, pecorino cheese. meditation wine.

Content: 0.75 litre (€22.87* / 1 litre)

From €17.15*
Zolla Primitivo di Manduria DOP Magnum
This Primitivo di Manduria DOP Magnum in a gift box is of ruby-red colour with violet tints. It is intense and complex on the nose, with fruity aromas and notes of small red fruit such as cherries and blackberries. This wine has a velvety texture. On the palate, it is soft, warm and rich in tannins with a long finish.

Content: 1.5 litre (€13.97* / 1 litre)

3 Primitivio Italy
Get to know three full-bodied and strong Primitivo wines from Puglia and gain a profit from our discount.Cantine Menhir Primitivo Quota 29 (0,75 l, 14,0%ABv), Art-Nr. 1522015 Cantine Menhir Salento, ItalienThe red wine unfolds a fruity fresh bouquet of ripe cherries, plums and dark chocolate in the glass.Z1N Il Numero Uno Zinfandel (0,75 l, 14,5%ABv) Art-Nr. 1504158Masca del Tacco, ItalyExceptionally complex bouquet showing notes of blackberries, plums, spices, chocolate and oak.Farnese Fantini Primitivo Puglia (0,75 l, 13,5%ABv) Art-Nr. 1591210Farnese Vini, ItalyFull-bodied, soft and well-balanced, easy to drinkDelivery of one package per order only.

Content: 2.25 litre (€11.07* / 1 litre)

Varvaglione Collezione Privata Cosimo Primitivo di Manduria DOP
This intense red wine shimmers with violet glints in the glass. It is redolent of fully ripe red fruit and black currants. On the palate, the Varvaglione Collezione Privata Cosimo Primitivo di Manduria offers aromas recalling red fruit jam. It pampers the palate, showing a discreet sweetness and an appetizing finish. Only the best Primitivo grapes are selected to produce this elegant wine from Italy. The grapes are selected by hand using traditional methods.Serve this wonderful Primitivo with red meat, game or ripe cheeses. It is also lovely to enjoy on its own.

Content: 0.75 litre (€30.53* / 1 litre)

(S) 3er Probierpaket Matsu Rotweine
Eine Familie zum Genießen! Diese Rotweine beschreiten neue Wege und spiegeln die Philosophie des Weingutes, dass jeder Wein seine eigene Zeit zum Wachen und Reifen hat, wider. Matsu bedeutet auf Japanisch „Warten“. Wir warten nicht länger! Probieren Sie alle drei Matsu-Weine aus Spanien jetzt im Probierpaket und sparen Sie gegenüber dem Einzelpreis.Matsu El Picaro (0,75 l, 14,5%ABv), Art-Nr. 1806457, trockenDer jüngste im Bunde ist El Picaro und bedeutet übersetzt „der Schurke“. Der 100%ige, vegane Tempranillo, hier auch Tinto de Toro genannt, wird biodynamisch angebaut. Im Glas strahlt der Matsu El Picaro mit einer intensiven, violetten Farbe. Das Bouquet besteht aus durchdringenden Aromen von schwarzen Früchten, wie Brombeere und Blaubeere. Mineralische Noten werden hier wunderbar von einer leichten Süße umgeben. Am Gaumen dominieren reife Trauben, die diesen spanischen Rotwein vollmundig und kräftig machen.Genießen Sie diesen Matsu-Wein solo oder in Kombination mit mittelschweren Gerichten.Matsu El Recio (0,75 l. 14,5%ABv), Art-Nr. 1806458, trockenDer zweite der Familie ist El Recio und bedeutet „der Starke“. Der intensiv nach Schokolade, Vanille und dunklen Früchten duftende, vegane Wein stammt aus 90 bis 100 Jahre alten Rebstöcken. Er besitzt eine besondere Cremigkeit, welche durch mineralische und fruchtige Aromen geprägt wird. Die charakteristische Kraft der Toro-Rotweine ist mit einer hervorragenden Weichheit am Gaumen kombiniert.Genießen Sie den veganen Matsu El Recio zu Grillgerichten oder kräftigen Eintöpfen.Matsu El Viejo (0,75 l, 15,0%ABv), Art-Nr. 1806459, trockenZum Trio wird die Weinfamilie von El Viejo und bedeutet übersetzt „der Alte“. Der Wein besitzt eine kirschrote Farbe mit violetten Reflexen an den Rändern. Das Bouquet besteht aus schwarzen Früchten, Rauch- und Gewürznoten, sowie Röstaromen, die aus der Fassreifung resultieren. Am Gaumen zeigt sich der Rotwein fleischig reif und rund. Tannine sind deutlich wahrnehmbar, aber feingeschliffen und geben dadurch den spanischen Rotwein eine leichte Süße. Der Abgang unterstreicht nochmals die Harmonie zwischen Frucht und den Holzaromen. Dieser spanische Wein aus der Region Toro ist vegan.Der Matsu El Viejo ist ein hervorragender Begleiter zu kräftigen Soßen oder gereiften und intensiven Käsesorten.Abgabe von einem Wein-Probierpaket pro Bestellung.

Content: 2.25 litre (€24.44* / 1 litre)

Vigneti del Salento Zolla Susumaniello IGP Puglia
Der Wein hat eine intensiv rubinrote Farbe. Die Nase zeigt ein komplexes fruchtiges Aroma mit Noten von Kirschmarmelade, Pflaume, schwarzer Johannisbeere und einem Hauch Wachholder. Der Gaumen wird verwöhnt durch Noten von Muskatnuss, Zimt und Gewürzen. Der Geschmack ist voll und samtig. Die weichen Tannine unterstützen den langan-haltenden Abgang.Der Zolla Susumaniello passt hervorragend zu Fleischgerichten aller Art. Auch toll als Ergänzung verschiedener Hartkäsesorten.

Content: 0.75 litre (€12.80* / 1 litre)

From €9.60*
3er Probierpaket Premium Weine aus Apulien
Probieren Sie diese drei Premium-Rotweine aus Apulien und sparen Sie gegenüber dem Einzelkauf.Varvaglione Collezione Privata Cosimo Primitivo di Manduria, halbtrocken (0,75 l, 15,0% vol.), Art-Nr. 1501793, Varvaglione, ItalienDer samtweiche Gaumenschmeichler hat eine dezente Süße und einen einladenden Nachhall.San Marzano Sessantanni Primitivo di Manduria, halbtrocken (0,75 l, 14,5% vol.), Art-Nr. 1505409, San Marzano, ItalienDas Bouquet betört mit Aromen von Heidelbeeren, Kirschen, Brombeeren und Pflaumen sowie Noten von Zedernholz, Mocca, Nougat, Tabak und einem Hauch Anis.Paradiso 1954 Primitivo IGP Puglia, trocken (0,75 l, 15,0% vol.), Art-Nr. 1541177 Cantine Paradiso, ItalienAm Gaumen umschmeichelt der Rotwein die Sinne mit Eleganz und Kraft. Eine unglaubliche Saftigkeit und Frische gipfeln in sanften Tanninen.Delivery of one package per order.Importeur/Abfüller:VARVAGLIONE VIGNE & VINI SRL, Contrada Santa Lucia s.n.c., 74020 LEPORANO (Taranto), ItalienCantine San Marzano, Via Regina Margherita 149, 74020 San Marzano di San Giuseppe (TA), ItalienCantine Paradiso, Via Manfredonia 39, 71042 Cerignola (FG), Italien

Content: 2.25 litre (€22.18* / 1 litre)

Varvaglione Papale Primitivo di Manduria DOP
This high-quality Primitivo from Apulia is redolent of black currants, cherries, blackberries, fruit jam, cocoa and liquorice. The Papale Primitivo di Manduria DOP is wonderfully balanced, velvety and aromatic on the palate, with a prolonged finish.On the occasion of its 90th anniversary, the Varvaglione Vigne & Vini estate created this outstanding wine for the first time in 2011. This wine impressively embodies the quality of the viticulture within the Gulf of Taranto region. The Varvaglione Vigne & Vini estate has been collaborating with numerous regional grape producers for three generations and knows how to express the terroir’s characteristics in their wines.The Varvaglione Papale Primitivo di Manduria DOP matured for at least eight months in French oak casks. You’ll enjoy discovering this red wine with grilled red meat or braised meat, for example.

Content: 0.75 litre (€15.33* / 1 litre)

From €11.50*
Masseria La Volpe Uno Primitivo di Manduria DOC Riserva
The Masseria La Volpe Uno Primitivo di Manduria Riserva is one of the best Primitivo di Manduria wines produced by Italy’s wine expert Luca Maroni and was awarded 97 points. It captivates wine connoisseurs with an exceptional depth and complexity.The wine is a deep ruby red in the glass and pampers the nose with intense notes of plums, wild berries and black cherries. It was aged for nine months in French and American oak casks, giving the dry red wine a wonderful basis of spice. On the palate, the Masseria La Volpe Uno Primitivo di Manduria Riserva shows a unique richness and power. This Primitivo di Manduria Riserva was put on the market no earlier than two years after harvest, giving the wine from the Masseria la Volpe estate an extraordinary balance and delicacy. The finish is long-lasting.Try the Uno Primitivo di Manduria Riserva with hearty meat or game dishes.

Content: 0.75 litre (€20.67* / 1 litre)


Cutsomers also bought

San Marzano "Sud" Primitivo di Manduria
San Marzano Sud Primitivo di Manduria. At almost 100 meters above the sea level, with a high average temperature and very few rainfall during the year. The soils are mainly composed by clay, with an average depth which reaches up to 1 meter Harvest period: Second decade of August Vinification: Thermo-controlled maceration, followed by draining and soft pressing at the end of the alcoholic fermentation Maturation: In French oak barrels for 4 months Tasting notes: Ruby red colour, enriched with violet reflections, generous perfum, which recalls ripe cherries and plums, with pleasant note of cocoa and vanilla. This wine has a velvety texture, softened by the warmth of the Primitivo, and ends with notes of persistent sweetness. Best served with: Savoury first courses, lamb and game with rich sauces, hard cheese

Content: 0.75 litre (€12.87* / 1 litre)

From €9.65*
San Marzano Sessantanni Primitivo di Manduria DOP
Production area: Selected vineyards of Neviera and Casa Rossa, located in San Marzano district. The soil is mainly “terra rossa”, with a fine texture and generally a calcareous undergound with a few emerging rocks. The well-known redness of these soils is due to the presence of iron oxides. The climate is characterised by high temperatures all year round, very few rainfalls and a wide difference of temperature between night and day, which has a nice influence on the quality of grapes. This is the “classical” central area of d.o.c. ”Primitivo di Manduria” Harvest period: Third decade of August, first decade of September Vinification: Hand-harvested in small baskets. Maceration: 18 days with selected autochtonous yeasts. Thermo-controlled alcoholic fermentation at 24-26 °C Maturation: In French oak barrels for 6 months Tasting notes: Intense ruby red colour, wide and complex to the nose, fruity, with prunes, cherry jam aroma, with notes of tobacco, slightly spicy. Full-bodied wine, soft and rich in fine tannins, with notes of cocoa, coffee and vanilla in the end. Best served with: Red meat, game, savoury first courses. Meditation wine

Content: 0.75 litre (€25.27* / 1 litre)

Feudi Di San Marzano "I Tratturi" Primitivo IGT
Production area: San Marzano, Salento, Puglia. At almost 100 meters above the sea level, with a high average temperature and very few rainfall during the year. The soils are mainly composed by clay, with an average depth which reaches up to 1 meter.Harvest period: Second and third decade of August Vinification: Thermo-controlled maceration, followed by draining and soft pressing at the end of the alcoholic fermentation Maturation: In stainless-steel Deep ruby red colour with violet reflections, intense aroma, fruity with notes of prunes and cherry, spicy with rosemary and vanilla scent. Full-bodied wine, soft and balanced, easy to drink.

Content: 0.75 litre (€7.93* / 1 litre)

From €5.95*
Conte di Campiano "Sexaginta Unus" Primitivo di Manduria DOC
Sessantuno is a tribute that Don Vincenzo, wine expert, wanted to dedicate to those friends who love important and classy wine.Intense ruby red with purplish highlightsIt can accompany toasts and tasty meatsComplex and intense bouquet with notes of ripe red fruits (cherry, plum and blackberry).Dry, warm and smooth taste, appropriately tannic and persitent.

Content: 0.75 litre (€13.27* / 1 litre)

Z1N Il Numero Uno Zinfandel
This Zinfandel (Primitivo) from the Apulia region has an exceptionally complex bouquet showing notes of blackberries, plums, spices, chocolate and oak. It is full-bodied, sumptuous and intensely fruity on the palate, with well-balanced tannins, complemented by a long, fresh finish with fine acidity.This red wine from southern Italy matured for 12 months in small oak casks. A part of the grapes were harvested when overripe, giving the Z1N II Numero Uno Zinfandel particularly concentrated aromas and an exceptional length.Vineshop24 is the exclusive distributor in Germany for this red wine from vineyards between the Ionian and Adriatic Seas. Enjoy the Zinfandel with beef, lamb and game prepared with spicy side dishes.

Content: 0.75 litre (€18.00* / 1 litre)

From €13.50*