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Cantina Tramin Goldmuskateller Alto Adige DOC

Um die Zukunft vieler kleiner örtlicher Winzer zu sichern, wurde 1898 die Genossenschaft Tramin im italienischen Südtirol gegründet. Heute bearbeiten 170 Winzerfamilien insgesamt rund 270 Hektar des Weinanbaugebietes und halten fest an ihrer Arbeits- und Lebensphilosophie, die sich in ihren Weinen wiederspiegelt: Pflichtbewusstsein, Einsatz, Zuversicht und Kreativität.

Die Goldmuskateller Traube des gleichnamigen Weißweins von Cantina Tramin wächst auf Hanglagen zwischen 250 und 550 Metern Höhe. Die Böden der Weinberge sind hier kalkreich und verfügen über lehmige bis schotterlehmige Böden. Zum hiesigen Terroir gehören ebenfalls starke Temperaturschwankungen zwischen Tag und Nacht. So sorgt der Nachtwind aus den umliegenden Bergen für die nötige Abkühlung.

Nach der Ernte wurden die Trauben vorsichtig gepresst und anschließend im Edelstahltank bei kontrollierter Temperatur von 19°C vergoren. Der Ausbau erfolgte ebenfalls in Edelstahltanks.
Das Resultat ist ein lieblicher Cantina Tramin Goldmuskateller, der durch seine sehr betonte Frische und besonders feinen Fruchtaromen begeistert. Im Glas zeigt sich der Weißwein in einer goldgelben Farbe. Die Nase betören Düfte von Muskat, etwas Honigmelone sowie Nelken und Rosen. Sein süßer, würziger Geschmack wird als weich und rund bezeichnet.

Wine type:
White wine
Ageing Potential:
Vineyard/Brand :
Grape variety:
Alcohol content:
11,0  % by volume
Total acidity:
5,0 g/l
Residual sugar:
52,0 g/l
Recommended drinking temperature:
10-12 °C
Filling quantity:
0,75 litres
contains Sulfite
Cantina Tramin
Weinstraße 144
39040 Termeno (BZ)
Cantina Tramin

Die Kellerei Cantina Tramin ist eine der traditionsreichsten Kellereigenossenschaften Südtirols und hat ihren Sitz in Tramin an der Weinstraße. Eigentümer der Kellerei sind 300 Weinbauern, die im Kleinraum Tramin, Auer, Neumarkt und Montan auf einer Gesamtfläche von etwa 250 Hektar ihre Reben anbauen. Die Gegend ist die Wiege der bekanntesten Rebe des Gebiets: des Gewürztraminers. Die Kellerei, die 1898 von Pfarrer Christian Schrott gegründet wurde, ist seit jeher bekannt für einen hohen Qualitätsstandard. Beispielsweise wurde Willi Stürz 2004 zum Kellermeister des Jahres in Südtirol ernannt.

Das Anbaugebiet der Weinberge erstreckt sich über eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Bedingungen auf einer Meereshöhe zwischen 250 und 850 m. Bei Tag werden die Trauben von der Sonne verwöhnt und von den wohltuenden Einflüssen des vom Gardasee herauf wehenden Ora-Windes gut durchlüftet. Dies bedingt einen gesunden Reifeprozess der Trauben und die besonders ausgeprägte Aromatik der eleganten, frischen und fruchtigen Weine. Der Boden ist eine gelungene Kombination aus Lehm, Kies, Kalk und Porphyr. Das alles sind ausgezeichnete Bedingungen, die den Trauben bei Cantina Tramin eine besondere Komplexität verleihen.

Product recommendation

Cantina Tramin Cuvée T Weiß
The wines of the Cuvée T line once again showcase the Cantina Tramin estate’s exceptional viticulture skills. The wines at the entry price level offer a fantastic quality and can justifiably be described as excellent everyday wines.The Cuvée T White consists of the Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc and Sauvignon Blanc grape varieties, which are typical of the IGT Dolomites region. The Cuvée T White is a light green in colour and offers aromas of apples and flower blossoms on the nose. The wine is light on the palate, with a subtle acidity and intense fruit aromas.The Cantina Tramin Cuvée T White is an ideal light summer or terrace wine. It is also a good accompaniment to salads and vegetables with dip.

Content: 0.75 litre (€11.93* / 1 litre)

Cantina Tramin Pepi Sauvignon
The 100% Sauvignon Blanc from South Tyrol has an extraordinary bouquet with notes of elderberry, nettle, peach, gooseberry and nuances of exotic fruits. On the palate, delightfully fresh, invigorating and with crisp acidity.The light straw yellow white wine comes from vineyards of the classic Sauvignon-growing areas Penon and Pinzon (hence the name Pepi), in the Adige Valley. It shows once again that the Cantina Tramin with its 300 winegrowers benefits greatly from being able to bring the various facets in their wines by the variety of vineyards.Try the Cantina Tramin Pepi Sauvignon with hors d'oeuvres, fish dishes, to slightly spicy dishes with white meat as well as a companion to asparagus dishes.

Content: 0.75 litre (€22.53* / 1 litre)

Cantina Tramin Glarea Chardonnay Alto Adige DOC
Der Glarea, ein hundertprozentiger Chardonnay, wurde mit Jahrgang 2020 erstmals von der Cantina Tramin vinifiziert. Der Name Glarea stammt aus dem Rätoromanischen und bedeutet Kies. Eindeutiger Hinweis auf den Boden auf dem die Reben stehen. Der Kiesboden sorgt für eine sehr starke Mineralität des Weines. Durch die Hanglage der Weinberge und starke Fallwinde kühlen die Trauben nachts und in den frühen Morgenstunden stark ab. Tagsüber ist es in der Regel sehr heiß, sodass für einen entsprechenden Temperaturausgleich gesorgt wird. Der Glarea profitiert davon durch eine besondere Frische und Balance. Die Gärung und Reifung erfolgte in unterschiedlich großen Holzfässern, was dem Wein nicht nur eine Langlebigkeit, sondern auch gute Struktur verleiht.Typisch strohgelb leuchtet der Glarea mit grünlichen Reflexen im Glas. Der Weißwein duftet intensiv nach Banane, Ananas und getrockneten Aprikosen. Am Gaumen ist der Wein saftig und frisch. Besonders prägt ihn seine außergewöhnliche Mineralität. Im Abgang voller frischer Kraft und Harmonie.Der Glarea von Cantina Tramin passt sehr gut zu Vorspeisen aller Art. Probieren Sie ihn auch zu Fischgerichten oder weißem Fleisch. Nicht zuletzt auch mit Pizza und Pasta kombinierbar.

Content: 0.75 litre (€21.20* / 1 litre)

Cantina Tramin Nussbaumer Gewürztraminer
The Nussbaumer estate is located in Sella, a small village above Tramin. Vineyards here are planted between 350 - 550 meters on the slopes below the Roen mountains, an ideal position to benefit from fresh, drying wind that blows from Lake Garda during the entiregrowing season. The soil is made up of clay and gravel, with a limestone layer from 20 - 100 cm and porphyry subsoil.The grapes were harvested in small bins, then gently crushed and left to macerate with their juice for a brief period to capture the characteristic aromatics of Gewürztraminer.After pressing, the must is left to ferment at a controlled temperature (18-20°C) in stainless steel tanks.Nussbaumer has a long history of over 700 years of winegrowing, and it is one of the oldest estates in Tramin. Our selection of Gewürztraminer from this estate embodies all the characteristics of this variety: an intense, bright straw-yellow color, and notes of fragrant rose petals, cinnamon, ripe tropical fruits and carnations. The engaging aromas offer hints of spice that lift the lush palate.Food Pairing: Ideal as an aperitif, the wine is perfect with seafood, particularly Asian cuisine. On its own, Nussbaumer is a wine of meditation, to accompany and unforgettable moment with good company.

Content: 0.75 litre (€39.33* / 1 litre)

Cantina Tramin Unterebner Pinot Grigio
This wine is named for the historical Unterebner farm and vineyard. The vines here rise to an altitude of approximately 450 meters, planted in calcareous soils made up of gravel and clay. Vines here are assured optimal ventilation thanks to the Ora, a wind that rises fromLake Garda in the early afternoon during the growing season.Winemaking: The grapes for this wine were softly pressed immediately after harvest, and the subsequent fermentation was done in wooden casks at controlled temperatures (18-20 ° C). Maturation occurred in large wooden casks (80%) and French barriques (20%).Tasting Notes: Unterebner is our best Pinot Grigio, and shows a deep straw color and a nose dominated by spicy aromas. On the palate, it balances mineral notes with considerable fatness richness. The finish feels long and lasting.Food Pairing:We recommend pairing this wine with appetizers and pasta dishes, fish, shellfish or with delicately flavored meats.

Content: 0.75 litre (€34.00* / 1 litre)

Cantina Tramin Sauvignon Blanc
The grapes come from the areas of Tramin and Montagna, where the vineyards are planted in calcareous clay and gravel soils between 400 to 500 meters.The grapes for this wine were gently pressed off to steel tanks immediately after harvest. The must was allowed to ferment at controlled temperature (18 ° C) without malolactic fermentation.Tasting NotesSauvignon is a grape of French origin and is produced worldwide. It is a fine white wine, slightly aromatic with a greenish-yellow color. The wine is intensely floral with a bouquet of elderflower and nettle, and spicy notes of paprika and green gooseberries. Its freshness and intense flavor can be surprising.Food PairingEnjoyable as an aperitif, the wine will also pair well with asparagus, fish and poultry.

Content: 0.75 litre (€15.87* / 1 litre)


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Cantina Tramin Gewürztraminer Selida DOC
Dieser trockene Gewürztraminer aus Südtirol leuchtet goldgelb im Glas. Das Bouquet bietet Duftnoten, die an Rosen, Lilien, würzige Blüten und getrocknete und reife, exotische Früchte wie Mango und Passionsfrucht erinnern. Am Gaumen hat der Cantina Tramin Gewürztraminer Selida DOC von dem Weingut einen reichen Körper mit schöner Frucht, feiner Säure und einer feinwürzigen Saftigkeit. Die Trauben werden nach der Lese in kleineren Behältern angeliefert und nach einer kurzen Maischestandzeit schonend gepresst. Anschließend erfolgt die alkoholische Gärung bei kontrollierter Temperatur von 18°C in kleinen Edelstahltanks.Der wundervolle italienische Weißwein passt hervorragend zu Antipasti vom Fisch und Geräuchertem, zu würzigen Gerichten der orientalischen Küche, weißem Fleisch, Schwertfisch oder Meeresfrüchten und reifem Weichkäse.

Content: 0.75 litre (€21.00* / 1 litre)

From €15.75*
Cantina Tramin Gewürztraminer
Grown in vineyards planted between 300 and 450 meters in calcareous clay and gravel in the areas of Tramin and Montagna.The grapes for this wine were gently pressed off to steel tanks immediately after harvest. The must was allowed to ferment at controlled temperature (21 ° C) without malolactic fermentation.Tasting NotesTramin is the cradle of Gewürztraminer, and the village claims the best vineyards dedicated to the variety planted around the village the west bank of the Adige valley. Gewürztraminer has a distinctive reddish-yellow color with green hues when fully mature. The most famous vineyards are in the Tramin subzones of Söll (Sella) and Rungg (Ronchi), where the wine becomes rich and silky in texture, minerally and structured. It is an elegant wine with intense aromas and flavors of Muscat, rose, exotic spice and lychee fruit. Gewürztraminer has become one of the most popular wines produced in Alto Adige.Food PairingThe wine pairs well with fish, white meat and savory pie.

Content: 0.75 litre (€18.53* / 1 litre)

Cantina Tramin Sauvignon Blanc
The grapes come from the areas of Tramin and Montagna, where the vineyards are planted in calcareous clay and gravel soils between 400 to 500 meters.The grapes for this wine were gently pressed off to steel tanks immediately after harvest. The must was allowed to ferment at controlled temperature (18 ° C) without malolactic fermentation.Tasting NotesSauvignon is a grape of French origin and is produced worldwide. It is a fine white wine, slightly aromatic with a greenish-yellow color. The wine is intensely floral with a bouquet of elderflower and nettle, and spicy notes of paprika and green gooseberries. Its freshness and intense flavor can be surprising.Food PairingEnjoyable as an aperitif, the wine will also pair well with asparagus, fish and poultry.

Content: 0.75 litre (€15.87* / 1 litre)

Cantina Tramin Nussbaumer Gewürztraminer
The Nussbaumer estate is located in Sella, a small village above Tramin. Vineyards here are planted between 350 - 550 meters on the slopes below the Roen mountains, an ideal position to benefit from fresh, drying wind that blows from Lake Garda during the entiregrowing season. The soil is made up of clay and gravel, with a limestone layer from 20 - 100 cm and porphyry subsoil.The grapes were harvested in small bins, then gently crushed and left to macerate with their juice for a brief period to capture the characteristic aromatics of Gewürztraminer.After pressing, the must is left to ferment at a controlled temperature (18-20°C) in stainless steel tanks.Nussbaumer has a long history of over 700 years of winegrowing, and it is one of the oldest estates in Tramin. Our selection of Gewürztraminer from this estate embodies all the characteristics of this variety: an intense, bright straw-yellow color, and notes of fragrant rose petals, cinnamon, ripe tropical fruits and carnations. The engaging aromas offer hints of spice that lift the lush palate.Food Pairing: Ideal as an aperitif, the wine is perfect with seafood, particularly Asian cuisine. On its own, Nussbaumer is a wine of meditation, to accompany and unforgettable moment with good company.

Content: 0.75 litre (€39.33* / 1 litre)

Cantina Tramin Chardonnay
The grapes come from vineyards planted in calcareous clay and gravel soils between 240 and 500 meters in the areas Ora, Tramin and Egna.The grapes were gently pressed immediately following harvest. Primary fermentation occurred in steel tanks, followed by partial malolactic fermentation.Tasting NotesChardonnay is popular and much-loved variety. Our Chardonnay is greenish yellow in color, with delicate fruity aromas and a dry finish. It tastes fresh and lively with hints of pineapple, pear, citrus, vanilla and butter.Food PairingThis is a wine to enjoy as an aperitif, or to pair with appetizers, fish and poultry.

Content: 0.75 litre (€15.33* / 1 litre)

Cantina Tramin Pinot Grigio
The grapes come from vineyards in Montagna, Tramin and Egna, planted in calcareous clay and pebble soils at altitudes ranging from 250 to 500 meters.The grapes for this wine were gently pressed off to steel tanks immediately after harvest. The must was allowed to ferment at controlled temperature (19 ° C) without malolactic fermentation.Tasting NotesPinot Grigio is part of the Burgundian Pinot family and is related to Pinot Bianco and the principal grape of Pinot family, Pinot Noir. In France this grape is called Pinot Gris and in Germany Ruländer. Pinot Grigio is a white wine with full, rich extract and is pale yellow in color. Its flavor is delicate and pleasantly soft with lasting notes of nuts and honey.Food PairingThis wine pairs well with dishes based on mushrooms, fish and seafood. Recommended as an aperitif.

Content: 0.75 litre (€14.60* / 1 litre)
