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Sacchetto L'Elfo Pinot Grigio Venezie DOC

This 100 percent Pinot Grigio from Veneto offers in the nose subtle notes of flowers and honey. On the palate wonderfully invigorating aromas of apples and yellow plums. The Cantina Sacchetto Pinot Grigio Venezia Giulia IGT with its mild freshness is a fine example of the light, uncomplicated wines from Northern-Italy.

Enjoy the wine with appetizers such as fish, soups and poultry.

Wine type:
White wine
Ageing Potential:
Vineyard/Brand :
Grape variety:
Alcohol content:
12,5  % by volume
Total acidity:
5,7 g/l
Residual sugar:
4,5 g/l
Recommended drinking temperature:
9 °C
Filling quantity:
0,75 litres
contains Sulfite
Cantine Sacchetto S.r.l.
Via Roma 44
35010 Trebaseleghe (PD)
Cantine Sacchetto

Die Cantine Sacchetto liegt in der Ortschaft Trebaseleghe, 25 Kilometer nordwestlich von Venedig. Zwischen den Provinzen von Treviso, Padua und Venedig hat sich das Weingut über die Jahrzehnte einen guten Ruf erarbeitet. Am Beginn der Cantine Sacchetto stand Sisto Sacchetto. Bereits zu Beginn der 1920er-Jahre handelte er mit Trauben und Weinen.

Heute kümmern sich Filiberto Sacchetto und sein Sohn Paolo sorgfältig um die Auswahl der Weine. Sie legen dabei großen Wert auf bewährte Weinbautraditionen. Der Versuchung, der gestiegenen Nachfrage nach dem Mode-Getränk Prosecco mit Massenware aus zugekauften Weinen zu begegnen, ist man in der Cantine Sacchetto nicht erlegen. Das Weingut ist ein Garant für hochwertige, preiswerte Weine aus Venetien.

Product recommendation

Sacchetto Bianchetto Sauvignon delle Venezie IGT
25 km northwest of Venice lies the village Trebaseleghe. This is the home of the Cantina Sacchetto. Here the grapes ripen for the 100 percent Sauvignon Blanc. The Bianchetto Sauvignon delle Venezie IGT shines bright in the bottle. The white wine has the characteristic notes of a Sauvignon and offers a fruity bouquet. On the palate, round and soft. The wine has a fine acidity and is delightfully fresh and invigorating. Enjoy this wine from Veneto to white meats or a traditional risotto.

Content: 0.75 litre (€10.00* / 1 litre)

Sacchetto Merlot Veneto IGT
This 100%-Merlot has a ruby red color. The Cantina Bollo Merlot delle Venezie IGT matured in oak and – for refinement - in stainless steel tanks and on the bottle. The red wine is remarkable fruity. It is dry and at the same time harmonious rounded. Enjoy this charming red wine which is located 25 kilometres northwest of Venice, to pasta dishes as well as light and dark meat.

Content: 0.75 litre (€10.00* / 1 litre)

Sacchetto Rosato Veneto IGT
This blend of Merlot and Pinot Nero has a lively, bright cherry red color. The bouquet is fruity refreshing. On the palate, the Cantina Sacchetto Rosato IGT is pleasant tingly and bubbly, but at the same time very harmoniously. Enjoy the wine from Northern Italy to delicate meat or fresh cheeses.

Content: 0.75 litre (€10.00* / 1 litre)

Borgo Molino I Ciari Pinot Grigio delle Venezie DOC
The Borgo Molino I Ciari Pinot Grigio comes from Veneto and is a vibrant pale yellow in colour. Its bouquet offers fragrances of wildflowers and subtle hints of nutmeg and white pepper. On the palate, the wine shows a solid structure and is slightly bitter. All in all, it is wonderfully balanced and harmonious with a creamy, fruity finish. In summer, the wine is an excellent thirst-quencher. The crisp Borgo Molino Ciari Pinot Grigio also goes beautifully with fish dishes or various soups.

Content: 0.75 litre (€11.60* / 1 litre)

From €8.70*
Cantina Tramin Pinot Grigio
The grapes come from vineyards in Montagna, Tramin and Egna, planted in calcareous clay and pebble soils at altitudes ranging from 250 to 500 meters.The grapes for this wine were gently pressed off to steel tanks immediately after harvest. The must was allowed to ferment at controlled temperature (19 ° C) without malolactic fermentation.Tasting NotesPinot Grigio is part of the Burgundian Pinot family and is related to Pinot Bianco and the principal grape of Pinot family, Pinot Noir. In France this grape is called Pinot Gris and in Germany Ruländer. Pinot Grigio is a white wine with full, rich extract and is pale yellow in color. Its flavor is delicate and pleasantly soft with lasting notes of nuts and honey.Food PairingThis wine pairs well with dishes based on mushrooms, fish and seafood. Recommended as an aperitif.

Content: 0.75 litre (€14.87* / 1 litre)

1er Geschenkkarton Lino Dunkelblau
Schlicht und trotzdem elegant. Die matte Leinenoptik verleiht dem Präsentkarton Lino Dunkelblau ein attraktives Äußeres.Einlage: Leinenoptik, dunkelblauInnenseite: Dunkelblau Innenmaß (LxBxH): 360 x 90 x 90 mmAuch als 2er und 3er-Karton erhältlich.Dieser Präsentkarton ist nur für Standard-Weinflaschen (0,75l) geeignet und nicht für doppelwandige Weinflaschen, Magnumflaschen und Schaumweinflaschen zu empfehlen.


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Epicuro Pinot Grigio IGT
This Pinot Gris from Sicily has a wonderfully fresh bouquet hinting of peach, honeydew melon, almonds and pears. The Epicuro Pinot Grigio is melty on the palate, with a harmonious, soft acidity, a great fruitiness and a long finish as well. This white wine was aged in stainless steel tanks. It is a fantastic summer wine and goes beautifully with fish or dishes with white meat and light sauces. In addition, the Epicuro Pinot Grigio is lovely on its own as an aperitif, but is also a good accompaniment to various soft cheeses.The wines from this line are named after Epicurus, a Greek philosopher, who made worldly, sensual pleasure and indulgence the centrepiece of his teachings.

Content: 0.75 litre (€9.27* / 1 litre)

From €6.95*
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Content: 0.75 litre (€8.60* / 1 litre)

From €6.45*
Cielo e Terra Trebbiano - Pinot Grigio IGT
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Content: 0.75 litre (€7.93* / 1 litre)

Pr1mo Numero Uno Primitivo Salento
The Primitivo grape variety has been enjoying unabated popularity for years. The great variety of Primitivo wines is almost unimaginable in the meantime, so it is all the more important to preserve the original character of these grapes. With the Pr1mo Numero Uno Primitivo Salento, this aim has definitely been achieved. Deliberately equipped with a slight residual sweetness and very structured, it is full-bodied on the palate, simultaneously showing a unique softness. In a long process, cellar master and Cantine Menhir owner Gaetano Marangelli has produced the typical Primitivo in the form native to Apulia.The Pr1mo Numero Uno Primitivo Salento is an intense dark red in the glass, showing the full power of the sun absorbed by the Pr1mo grapes. On the nose, the wine offers wonderful aromas of cherry jam, ripe plums and wild berries. The ageing in wooden casks gives the Pr1mo Numero Uno Primitivo Salento an additional, subtle hint of vanilla. On the palate, fruit and fullness predominate. The Pr1mo Numero Uno Primitivo Salento is always velvety and well-balanced. Enjoy the original, unadulterated taste of Apulia.The Pr1mo Numero Uno Primitivo Salento is a wine for all occasions. It is lovely to enjoy on its own and is also an ideal accompaniment to a good meal. Serve this wine with roast pork or grilled dark meat. It also goes beautifully with strong cheeses.We recommend enjoying this red wine with exquisite milk chocolate with notes of salt and caramel.

Content: 0.75 litre (€12.27* / 1 litre)

From €9.20*
Robertson Winery Light Pinotage Rose
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Content: 0.75 litre (€9.67* / 1 litre)

Cantine Menhir Primitivo di Manduria
Cantine Menhir was founded in 2005 and is already popular on the international market. The winery has the philosophy to create wines that are affordable for everybody. The Cantine Menhir Primitivo di Manduria from the coast-region Laghi Alimini has a deep red colour. the bouquet provides aromas of red fruits, plums and mediterranean spice. Pleasant notes of vanilla and nuances of liquorice also appear. On the palate this wine tastes round, elegant and warm. Aromas of currant and black cherries emboss this Primitivo di Manduria.This wine of Cantine Menhir aged in oak barrels and fits to pecorino, goulash or vegetable soup.

Content: 0.75 litre (€12.80* / 1 litre)

From €9.60*