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Saint Clair Vicar's Choice Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc aus der Marlborough-Region im Norden der Südinsel Neuseelands: In der Weinwelt gilt das längst als Garant für höchsten Genuss. Wenn das Ganze dann noch aus dem Hause Saint Clair stammt, steht einem Fest für die Sinne nichts mehr im Wege. Auch der Saint Clair Vicar's Choice Sauvignon Blanc bietet eine traumhafte Fruchtintensität.

Das Bouquet des neuseeländischen Weißweins duftet herrlich frisch nach Passionsfrucht, Grapefruit und schwarzen Johannisbeeren. Dazu kommt eine leicht salzige, kalk-geprägte Mineralität.

Am Gaumen ist der blassgrüne Sauvignon Blanc trocken und knackig-frisch, mit pikanten Aromen von Stachelbeeren sowie von Passionsfrucht und Grapefruit. Feine Kräuternuancen und die salzige Mineralität leiten das lang anhaltende Finale ein.

Wine type:
White wine
Ageing Potential:
New Zealand
Vineyard/Brand :
Grape variety:
Alcohol content:
12,5  % by volume
Total acidity:
7,1 g/l
Residual sugar:
2,3 g/l
Recommended drinking temperature:
6-8 °C
Filling quantity:
0,75 litres
contains Sulfite
Saint Clair Estate Europe
2678 LH De Lier
Saint Clair Family Estate

Saint Clair Estate gilt als einer der Pioniere in der Weinregion Marlborough. Judy und Neal Ibbotson legten 1978 die ersten Weinberge an und versorgten zunächst einige Weingüter der Region mit Trauben. Doch schon bald reifte der Gedanke, aus den edlen Früchten selbst Wein herzustellen. Mit Hilfe von Winemaker Matt Thomson, der Erfahrungen in zahlreichen Weingütern in Bordeaux und Italien gesammelt hatte, verwirklichten sie diese Idee in den frühen 1990er Jahren. Schon bald wurden die Saint Clair Weine in nationalen und internationalen Verkostungen prämiert, u.a. auch vom bekanntesten US-Weinmagazin „Wine Spectator“.

Zu den größten Erfolgen zählt zweifellos die Auszeichnung als „Bester neuseeländischer Weinerzeuger des Jahres“, die Saint Clair Estate im Jahre 2005 anlässlich der International Wine und Spirits Cometition verliehen wurde.

Product recommendation

Vicar's Choice Sauvignon Bubbles
Pale straw colour with green hues.A lifted nose showing fruit punch aromas, fresh green tomato leaf, blackcurrant, grapefruit and melon, with refreshing underlying mineral note.On the palate there is a fresh herbaceous style that shows classic Marlborough varietal character and zest. Flavours of blackcurrant, grapefruit and melon are carried through with a lively sparkle.Enjoy this wine on its own or try with fresh New Zealand oysters or hors d'oeurves.

Content: 0.75 litre (€18.33* / 1 litre)

From €13.75*
Saint Clair Pioneer Block 3 "43 Degrees" Sauvignon Blanc
The fruit was pressed off as quickly as possible to minimise skin contact and juice deterioration following harvesting. After settling the juice was fermented using selected yeast in 100 per cent stainless steel at cool temperatures to retain fruit flavour and freshness. This batch was selected as a Pioneer Block wine due to its unique flavour, intensity and complexity. Crushed herb, blackcurrant bud, passionfruit and gooseberry. Drinking beautifully now and best enjoyed over the next two years. An ideal match with vegetarian cuisine, fresh seafood or with poultry. Suitable for vegans.Gold, Sydney International Wine Competition 2014 Top 100 Blue-Gold Gold, NZ International Wine Show 2013

Content: 0.75 litre (€26.33* / 1 litre)

Saint Clair Wairau Reserve Sauvignon Blanc
Colour: Pale straw Intensely concentrated aromas of of grapefruit, blackcurrant and passionfruit, with underlying notes of fresh green capsicum. This is an incredibly pungent Sauvignon Blanc with powerful passion fruit, grapefruit and blackcurrant and an underlying mineral note. The palate is intensely concentrated and full with a long, lingering finish. This wine is drinking beautifully now and will be best enjoyed over the next two years. Ideally matched with oysters, scallops, salmon or pan-fried white fish.Suitable for vegans.

Content: 0.75 litre (€36.67* / 1 litre)

Saint Clair Origin Sauvignon Blanc
Pale straw with green hues.Intense and powerful aromas of black currant, white currant, passionfruit, grapefruit and gooseberry leap out of the glass.A full, crisp and powerful wine with intense flavours of passionfruit and blackcurrant, with underlying gooseberry tones. Mouth-watering acidity and an intense minerality are balanced by a full yet elegant palate that leads to a long lingering finish.Perfect for drinking immediately this wine will be at its best over the next one to two years.Suitable for vegans.

Content: 0.75 litre (€15.87* / 1 litre)

From €11.90*
Rapid Ice Cooler Black
Chilling drinks quickly and keeping them cold is no longer a problem using the Rapid Ice!The amazing Rapid Ice Coolers can best be described as super cold flexible ice jackets. They can, when taken from the freezer, simply be slipped over the bottle. The drink will be chilled within 5 minutes and stays cool for hours.The coolers are unbreakable and reusable.


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Saint Clair Origin Sauvignon Blanc
Pale straw with green hues.Intense and powerful aromas of black currant, white currant, passionfruit, grapefruit and gooseberry leap out of the glass.A full, crisp and powerful wine with intense flavours of passionfruit and blackcurrant, with underlying gooseberry tones. Mouth-watering acidity and an intense minerality are balanced by a full yet elegant palate that leads to a long lingering finish.Perfect for drinking immediately this wine will be at its best over the next one to two years.Suitable for vegans.

Content: 0.75 litre (€15.87* / 1 litre)

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Villa Maria Private Bin Sauvignon Blanc
Fruit for this wine was sourced from vineyards across the Marlborough region. A blend of fruit grown in the Wairau and Awatere Valleys spanning a range of different meso-climates were incorporated.Careful attention was paid to vine health to give the vine the best chance to optimise the season and develop strong, clean flavours.

Content: 0.75 litre (€16.93* / 1 litre)

From €12.70*
Saint Clair Wairau Reserve Sauvignon Blanc
Colour: Pale straw Intensely concentrated aromas of of grapefruit, blackcurrant and passionfruit, with underlying notes of fresh green capsicum. This is an incredibly pungent Sauvignon Blanc with powerful passion fruit, grapefruit and blackcurrant and an underlying mineral note. The palate is intensely concentrated and full with a long, lingering finish. This wine is drinking beautifully now and will be best enjoyed over the next two years. Ideally matched with oysters, scallops, salmon or pan-fried white fish.Suitable for vegans.

Content: 0.75 litre (€36.67* / 1 litre)

Saint Clair Pioneer Block 3 "43 Degrees" Sauvignon Blanc
The fruit was pressed off as quickly as possible to minimise skin contact and juice deterioration following harvesting. After settling the juice was fermented using selected yeast in 100 per cent stainless steel at cool temperatures to retain fruit flavour and freshness. This batch was selected as a Pioneer Block wine due to its unique flavour, intensity and complexity. Crushed herb, blackcurrant bud, passionfruit and gooseberry. Drinking beautifully now and best enjoyed over the next two years. An ideal match with vegetarian cuisine, fresh seafood or with poultry. Suitable for vegans.Gold, Sydney International Wine Competition 2014 Top 100 Blue-Gold Gold, NZ International Wine Show 2013

Content: 0.75 litre (€26.33* / 1 litre)

Vicar's Choice Sauvignon Bubbles
Pale straw colour with green hues.A lifted nose showing fruit punch aromas, fresh green tomato leaf, blackcurrant, grapefruit and melon, with refreshing underlying mineral note.On the palate there is a fresh herbaceous style that shows classic Marlborough varietal character and zest. Flavours of blackcurrant, grapefruit and melon are carried through with a lively sparkle.Enjoy this wine on its own or try with fresh New Zealand oysters or hors d'oeurves.

Content: 0.75 litre (€18.33* / 1 litre)

From €13.75*
Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough
Ein ausgezeichnetes Terroir bietet das neuseeländische Weinanbaugebiet Marlborough. Ein trockenes, sonniges aber gemäßigtes Klima. Klare kalte Nächte. Und nicht zu vergessen erstklassige Böden. Hier wachsen die Trauben des Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough. Das gemäßigte Klima sorgt für eine lange, langsame Reifezeit der Beeren von Januar bis April und die Temperaturschwankungen zwischen Tag und Nacht sind ein entscheidender Faktor für den knackigen, frischen und lebendigen Charakter dieses Weißweins.Die Früchte werden bei optimaler Reife geerntet, gequetscht, schonend gepresst und anschließend wird der gewonnene Rebsaft geklärt. Nach langer temperaturkontrollierter Gärung folgt die sofortig Flaschenabfüllung. Hierdurch werden der wunderbare Fruchtgeschmack und die herrlichen Aromen des trockenen Weins erhalten.Im Glas zeigt sich der Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough in einer blass strohgrünen Farbe mit einer auffälligen Klarheit. Die Nase umspielen Passionsfrucht und tropischen Fruchtaromen. Das Bouquet ist reichhaltig.

Content: 0.75 litre (€15.87* / 1 litre)
